Q: Does Carolina Stone Supply allow pick up?
A: No, We only offer direct delivery of all our products
Q: Do you offer discount for large volume customers
A: Yes, however our stone is already sold at extremely discounted rates!
Q: I don't see a landscape product I need?
A: We offer over 16 varieties of gravel, sand and stone products. Just give us an email and tell us what you are looking for!
Q: Can I set up an account?
A: No, all transactions are made instantly
Q: Do you sell Tennessee River Rock?
A: No, we sell a much better product called New England River Rocks!

Grabbing a scoop of New England River Rock

Delivering stone from the quarry to our distribution yard in Middletown, NY

White Marble Stone spread in front of a business in Hartford, CT

Grabbing a scoop of New England River Rock